Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ginowan Pony Field

Every saturday we gather down in Ginowan at the local Pony field for mostly infield practice. Today it was severly cold and almost unbearable. None of the pitchers were able to throw a pen due to the weather, neither could any of the guys take some batting practice in fear of a few cracked bats. Afterwards we gathered for some pictures despite the freezing cold. The guy on the far right in the group picture is "Kawaii-san." He's new to the team and is the second oldest guy on the team next to me at 25 years old. He recieved a Christian baseball DVD and said he would watch it for sure. Practice was cold but sweet.

1 comment:

Trevor Raichura said...

Dude that's just awesome that you're out there playing ball... even if you're the elderstatesman!

I'll pray that the DVD impacts his life, man.

By the way, it's 『聞いて』! Haha, actually it's Kawai (かわい) not Kawaii (かわいい) but that's a minor point.